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Our History

Ivanhoe Park was gazetted as a Botanic Garden in November 2006.

The former Manly Council wished to provide a masterplan for the park to ensure the full implementation of a Botanic Garden, and to provide future guidance on management of the park so in 2014, a draft landscape masterplan for Ivanhoe Park was produced but was rejected.

In 2017 the new Northern Beaches Council identified the Garden for a major makeover to take place in the first three years of the council and a new draft concept plan was presented to community precinct groups in 2016 and the Greater Manly Residents' Forum in 2017 for feedback.

The draft masterplan was well received and an array of detailed suggestions for consideration were gathered, notably around the heritage of the park.

On Tuesday 8 August 2017 a Landscape Masterplan was adopted by Council.

In 2018, the Friends of Ivanhoe Park Botanic Gardens was formed to support this historic oasis in the middle of Manly.

To view a PDF of the Landscape Masterplan click here.

Our Patron

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The Friends of Ivanhoe Park Botanic Garden
meet every other month at an informal social
get-together featuring an interesting speaker.

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at The Manly Club on Gilbert Park.
Grab a drink or dinner beforehand then join us in The Lounge.
All welcome.

Our next Working Bees will be on:
Saturday, February 15
Wednesday, February 19​

Our next Get-together will be on Tuesday, February 18
Our Guest Speaker will be David Stead with a 
talk highlighting the types of remote sensing technologies used for monitoring and identification of forest conditions


We can be contacted by email at 

You can also follow us on Facebook

Our Supporters

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Our Affiliates & Friends
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